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Blackcraft Wrestling No Apologies 4/6/2019 Full Show

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Blackcraft Wrestling No Apologies 6 april 2019 Full Show

Blackcraft Wrestling No Apologies 6th April 2019 Full Show Online

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Card :

Confirmed talent: Lady Frost, Victor Benjamin, Zicky Dice, Riley Madison, Connor Braxton, Jamie Iovine.

Masato Tanaka vs Chris Dickinson

Devil’s Den Match – Jimmy Havoc vs G-Raver

Pentagon Jr. vs Simon Grimm

Matt Cross vs Luchasauras vs Teddy Hart vs Cortez Castro vs Fenix vs Mecha Wolf

Gangrel vs. Matthew Justice

The Essence (Harlow O’Hara & Vipress) vs. #DatSquad (Machiko San & Laynie Luck)

Blackcraft Heavyweight Championship – Johnny Blackcraft (c) vs. David Starr

The Preacher’s Baphomet Battle Royale: Stockade, Sledge, Mance Warner, Royce Isaacs, Conor Claxton, Casanova Valentine, Derek Direction, Atticus Cogar, Victor Benjamin, Lady Frost, Zicky Dice, Dick Justice, Gory, Kit Osborne, John Wayne Murdoch, Dale Patricks, KTB, Dave Dutra, Benjamin Carter, Shlak, Conan Lycan, Lord Crewe, Rory Gulak, Cory Futuristic, Pinkie Sanchez, Anthony Greene, Arik Cannon, Matt Light, Bobby Beverly, Frank the Clown.

Blackcraft Womens Championship – Saraya Knight (c) vs. Maria Manic

Tag Team Gauntlet Match – oVe (Jake & Dave Crist) vs. La Familia de Tijuana (Bestia 666 & Damien 666) vs. The Butcher & The Blade (Andy Williams & Pepper Parks) vs. The Crown (Jurn Simmons & Alexander James) vs. The Mane Event (Duke Davis & Ganon Jones Jr.)